A Bank Note You Will Never See

This is one dollar bill you will probably see only in a picture. That is the one where you can see Woodrow Wilson's face. Most people have seen Benjamin Franklin "in the                                                                   flesh" since he appears in one of the faces of the one-hundred dollar bill but that as far as you can get. I have never seen Mc Kinley or  Madison (Mc Kinley appears in the 500-dollar bill and Madison in the 5,000 dollar bill). They exist but they are not for common people. Those bills are to be used in bank transactions only ( a bank sending money to another bank) or international business, since numbers are and require higher figures here.  And it is Ok: can you imagine losing 100,000 dollars at once?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


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