When Winter is not Invierno

There is some sort of confusion here.
Let's start by remembering that there are four seasons only in certain parts of the world not everywhere. Even some states of the American union rarely see any snow or not at all.  As we approach the central section of the globe we will find countries where the climate is different but there are still seasons because there are variations in the climate, sometimes slight and sometimes quite considerable. 
In Ecuador we do not have four seasons, we only have two. The first one begins by the end of December and finishes by the end of April or the middle of May. It is a rainy season which is followed by another much fresher and also dry. Erroneously, we call the rainy season WINTER and the other one, SUMMER. In the north hemisphere WINTER begins on December 22nd and finishes around March 22nd and it snows, while SUMMER begins on June 22nd and ends on September 22nd. It is a dry and hot season.
As you can see there is no reason to relate one with another since the weather is quite different. Where does the custom to use the word INVIERNO (WINTER) in Ecuador come from then? Pretty simple: it is because of the Spaniards. The Spanish conquistadores came to South America long ago and established here leaving us with a great number of cultural traditions. One of those is to use the word INVIERNO to refer to the season that in Spain begins on December 22nd , quite close to the beginning of the rainy season here. Then it was only logical to call the dry season VERANO (SUMMER).
Then the correct terms, both in English and Spanish, would be the RAINY SEASON (LA ESTACIÓN LLUVIOSA) and the DRY SEASON (LA ESTACION SECA).


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