How do you say EXTRANJERO in English?

There is a couple of ways to say EXTRANJERO in English. The first and most well-known is FOREIGNER. A person from a FOREIGN country is a FOREIGNER.
There is another word, which many find insulting, and that is ALIEN. Ever since the premiere of Alien, the Eighth Passenger, directed by Ridley Scott, the term ALIEN has been used as a synonym of an extraterrestrial monster, and in fact, not so long ago the expression used to refer to International Affairs was Alien Affairs. In Spanish we know the word Alien and it means EXTRATERRESTRE (Extraterrestrial).  A synonym of that is ALIENIGENA. The strong influence of one society over another is called ALIENATION which is translated without major changes but mostly used in its adjective form: ALIENANTE.
As I right this I am in another Spanish speaking country. Am I an alien? I’m definitely from another planet, but I’m definitely a FOREIGNER. 


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