How do you say BERRINCHE in English?

The word BERRINCHE or PATALETA is in Spanish that display of anger and frustration that usually children (and sometimes also adults) resort to when they don't get what they want. That in English is called a TANTRUM or TEMPER TANTRUM. 
Little is known about the origin of this word, but the fact that is only a childish display of rage is arguable since also adults show TANTRUMS, although the reason seems to be another. Let's use the example of a former famous tennis player, Jimmy Connor, who once occupied the top player in the ATP ranking, back in the early eighties. When things started to go wrong in a game he would show his anger usually moving his racket demonstrating he was unhappy. Next his moves improved dramatically. Was it a coincidence? Not really. Apparently his TANTRUMS worked raising his energy levels, high enough so as to help him win a game though it did not always work.


Carlos León Moran said…
I didn´t know this word but it´s good to learn something new every day. This word is useful, and I´m gonna use it a lot in the next few months since my little cousin is coming to Ecuador and TANTRUMS are something he always does.
Cynthia Ramón Casal said…
I think tantrums can be part of adult life as well, when something doesn't go according to our plans for example. It is funny though, to think of an adult acting so childish.
Odalis97 said…
It’s so interesting, a new word for enrich my vocabulary.
TANTRUMS remember a little the act to do the mega show in the floor.
Personally, I have never heard the word "tantrum" before in order to refer to children's misbehavior. I find it very interesting what I learn every day from this blog, in this way I am learning new words to add to my vocabulary and use them in any situation. Thanks!!
Johanna Arteaga said…
It seems to me that it's the first time that I read this term, I think it's interesting how that feeling was used to improve the performance of this player in some way, since generally the result of a tantrum is not positive or an attitude that someone can feel proud.
Samuel Macías said…
This information is very interesting because I never heard this word "tantrum" but now when my cousin misbehaves, I will tell him we don't want tantrums here please, thank for the information.
Mendoza Párraga Martha said…
This blog is great, I like how I learn words that I had no idea how to say them in English, I thought that the word PATALETA had no meaning in English lol
Ginger Alvia Gonzalez said…
I didn't know that, I usually do that when I am hungry and nobody wants to buy me food, hahaha it's funny the way that Pataleta is in English.
This kind of information has greatly expanded my vocabulary, this was another word that I had never heard.
Personally, I think it makes us seem more sophisticated when we express our point of view, excellent information!
Dave Criollo said…
Dave Criollo

I like this section, it helps us to know the meaning of words that you would not know how to say in English.
Torres Alvear Odette said…
It's interesting the manner of say "berrinche" in English, though is a new word. I'm focus in the manner that influence in the people because is not happening only kids also in adults so is fine when the results are good.
Miguel Castillo Lopez said…
It is interesting how tantrums can help you in certain way to increase the energy in an activity you're doing, I've never heard of this word before and it is sweet to discover new words like this.
*New word arriving in my head* Amazing! I didn't know there was a word for that state. From now on, I will use it whenever a kid or anyone else I know start making this kind of scene.
Manuel Erazo said…
Tantrum, it is good to know it, because I do a lot of them ha ha, it is nice to get new vocabulary through this activity, also I can use it with my nieces that doesn't speak Spanish.
Avila Magi Esther De Jesus said…
So interesting 🤔 now I know how to describe my nephew's behavior to his mother and also how to express my feelings to another one when I do not get what I want.
Without a doubt, every day you learn something new, such as this word tantrum. It will surely help me a lot in my vocabulary.
Arly Lopez said…
I find it interesting that thanks to these vlogs we can learn new words and thus expand our vocabulary. In my case, it almost always works for me to throw tantrums and get what I want.
It is really interesting to learn new words. I didn't know that the Word Tantrum means Berrinche. Children sometimes get things using Tantrums, I think that parents get mad when their children do that.
Alejandra Coronel Guzhñay said…
More than 5 years of loaded with movies and series and I never realized that word or reference.
Briggitte Vera said…
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Ortega Melanie said…
Wow I liked this information a lot. It's really interesting to learn about it. I didn't know that this expression can help us to describe this feeling. Thanks for sharing!
Britney Navas:
I had never heard that term (tantrum) sincerely it makes me totally new and something that also makes me new but interesting is knowing how throwing a tantrum helped said athlete in a positive way since usually throwing a tantrum always it goes wrong haha.
Briggitte Vera said…
When Word doesn't want to work or Maybe when it closes and I don't saved my homework, I do a Tantrums!
Thanks for this new word, Mr. Bermúdez!
Joselyn Alvarado Clemente said…
When blogs started I was afraid that their content is extensive, now maybe, just maybe, I'm starting to like them.
Ginger Morán said…
It is the first time that I hear the term Trantrums in English being something common in our language. Definitely, this temperament not only occurs with children but also with adults, only that it changes the way of expressing this type of frustrations.
Ericka Zambrano said…
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Ericka Zambrano said…

Ericka Zambrano Bernal

When I were studying to be a kindergarten teacher, I learnt this word but I learnt it because this is related with the behavior of a kid so it's a little funny and weird to think about an adult acting like this; that's immature.
This term was completely unknown for me until now. As it is a new word for me, I'll try to use it in a near future.
In my opinion, it's ok to throw some tantrums at times we don't know how to release stress, anger or frustration. However, it'd be great for us to control them at some point, and also make sure they don't affect our personality in a negative manner.
Blanca Landivar said…
Interesting! It is the first time that I see that word .. And I really enjoy reading this blog .. My vocabulary is enriched. And with regard to behavior, it seems logical to me that after letting out the frustration, the mind and body work better.
Actually the word is very unfamiliar for me. When I red it, the first thing I thought was:Is this a kind of alien?. I think is awesome to add it to my vocabulary.
Arely Manzaba said…
It's very interesting to learn new words every day. I didn't know that "Berrinche" in English is "Tantrum" 🥸 That word is new to me. Now, I know how I can tell my sisters when they do that kind of scene. Thank you for the information.
Cynthia Rizzo said…
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Cynthia Rizzo Paguay said…
It is amazing to learn words that I have never heard. Now I am going to write it down in my notebook because I don't want to forget it. Thank you for teaching me new words every day.
Mayrene Pin said…
A new word for my vocabulary, the interesting thing about this post apart from the word "Tantrum", is that the person who practiced it can get positive things out, although it does not always work.
I find it interesting the fact of knowing in English to the Pataletas or angers they call it Tantrum or Tmper Tantum although its origin is not known but it is a display of rage, since in adults there are also tantrums. For something that doesn't go right.
In adults there are tantrums when something does not go well whether it is work, home, family, etc. and even the point of crying.
I was really clueless about that, I thought there was no word in English for that expression. Thank you for enriching my vocabulary.
Evelin Arellano said…
It's very interesting to konw this, I think when you are child you always want to catch the attention of your parents.
It was very interesting to konw that adult people also do that, it's something funny for me.
You're not gonna achieve anything if you do that.
Alejandra Del Valle said…
I can't believe that after all these years I haven't run into a situation that made me wonder how to say Berrinche in English, But thank God I know now. Tantrum kind of sounds like mischief to me?? I don't know, my mnemonic is messed up but, hopefully, I'll remember "tantrum" every time I use the word "mischief".
Juan Jesús said…
That word is useful in a class, I remember when I washad a job as a teacher one of my students asked me about this word. I could go back years ago to answer him
Really good! I Will use this word inmediatly, also it sounds good.
I agree children and adults sometimes do tantrum, it is an irritable behaviour.
It is curious how Tantrum can change your way of doing something, because you make more effort to do that, you are focused in what you're doing but, the bad thing is that your mind is not relaxed to think correctly, and this can be a disadvantage for you.
PIN-S-MA-6-1 "EAP I"

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