How do you say REGAR EL CESPED in English?

REGAR EL CESPED is really a simple expression. The verb to be used is none other than WATER.
Though it may sound or seem odd to us, English learners, the reality is that WATER does not only mean AGUA. It may also be a verb and as such it means ECHAR AGUA or REGAR.
Now, the full expression would be WATER THE LAWN.
This change in meaning of a word is a common thing in English (a feature that is absent in Spanish at least) though it does not always happen or it does not happen the same way in every case. For instance, when the word is an adjective and also a noun the meaning usually remains the same as it is the case of WATER that as an adjective has a close meaning to the meaning of water, as in WATER BODY, term that perfectly translates into Spanish.


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