English vs Spanish: Less
We know the word Less as the opposite to the comparative More, but there is one other usefor that term.
The word Less can be used as a suffix, e.g. HOMELESS. When used as a suffix the word Less means WITHOUT (SIN in Spanish). In other words when you say someone is HOMELESS what you are doing is to indicate that someone is WITHOUT HOME (SIN HOGAR in Spanish).
We don't have any suffix in Spanish that works the same way as Less does, so when translated. words using the suffix Less find their counterparts use prefixes with a similar meaning as Less or there is not one word to act as equivalent so more than one word is needed.
Here is a list to illustrate my point:
English Spanish
Fruitless Sin resultados
Merciless Inmisericorde
Penniless Sin un centavo
Restless Incansable
Speechless Sin palabras
Senseless Irracional
Timeless Que trasciende el tiempo
As it is noticeable Less as a suffix is quite useful. To the English learner it becomes essential for the amount of vocabulary that is formed using that particle. Also there is the point that you can create new words (of course of only a temporary extent). Let's say that at work there are departments where there are no computers at all. You write a report about it where you call those sections "computer-less" apartments, a term that is meant for whoever is going to read your report and you of course.