English vs Spanish: Wrestler
Here is another concept that can be expressed in only one word in English but it needs more than one word in Spanish. The term WRESTLER is usually put into Spanish as LUCHADOR but it is an incomplete translation since it does not indicate the kind of LUCHADOR we are talking about. We need to specify the name of the activity and say LUCHA LIBRE. The problem with this is we fall into redundancy inadvertently but necessarily, and we have to say LUCHADOR DE LUCHA LIBRE. To say Sumo wrestler or Greco-roman wresler we say LUCHADOR DE SUMO and LUCHADOR DE LUCHA GRECO-ROMANA.
Nevertheless, as Spanish is limited in that case English is limited in another, and for example BEISBOLISTA is BASEBALL PLAYER in English. Here are more examples:
Spanish English
Basquetbolista Basketball player
Futbolista Soccer player
Golfista Golf player
Tenista Tennis player
Corredor Race runner
The man in the picture is none other than Hulk Hogan, the most iconic wrestler of the last three decades. After all these years he is still in the spotlight though his prime is lost gone.