Superman: Star Light, Star Bright...

Whoever said comics are for kids only is truly enormously wrong. Take this page for example, the last in a story called "Star Light, Star Bright...". It appears in Action Comics 14 and reveals that in the new redefined DC universe Superman is making every possible effort to discover the right location of Krypton so he has been consulting a real life astrophysicist, Neal DeGrasse Tyson. Apparently, DeGrasse urged by Superman has found a red star in the Corvus constellation and  that star is Rao.   For those who don't know that is the name of the red sun that was the center of the planetary system to which Krypton belonged. Using all the data collected the astronomer and his team aided by Superman manage to see images of Superman's birthplanet but it happens that because of the distance the images they get to see are those of the final moments of Krypton. 
Sad, isn't it? But also amazing! (Don't forget to read the page)


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