English vs Spanish: Names of Diseases
There are so many diseases. Some of them have been with us for millenia, literally, and others are relatively recent like AIDS for example.
Their names sometimes are similar in both languages and sometimes different. Especially when diseases are very old their names tend to be different, but if they are somewhat modern then their names in English and Spanish are similar.
Their names sometimes are similar in both languages and sometimes different. Especially when diseases are very old their names tend to be different, but if they are somewhat modern then their names in English and Spanish are similar.
For purposes of this article I will refer to the most commonly known diseases, that is diseases that we all know and can easily identify and whose presence is sadly wides´read. They are the following:
Spanish English
Cáncer Cancer
Gripe The Flu
Leucemia Leukemia
Lepra Leprosy
Malaria Malaria
Sarampión Measles
Tifoidea Typhoid
Viruela Smallpox
Varicela Chicken Pox (the boy in the pic has it)
Leukemia is of course just another form of Cancer but since it is largely referred by its name people tend to believe it is one more disease and not a variety of an already existing illness.
Though Cancer has existed perhaps since the dawn of mankind its understanding and serious treatment began just in the XIX century (including Leukemia). Still the name was first given by the ancient Greeks who compared it to a Crab.