Extremely Loud Incredibly Close

What's an Oxymoron? It's the combination of of terms with opposite meanings to reinforce an idea.
e.g.  Brave mouse
       Living Dead
       Honest politician
Oxymorons are not central but still an integral part of Extremely Loud Incredibly Close. It is a movie that tells the story of Oskar Schell (Thomas Horn) , ayoung boy whose father died in the attack to the Twin Towers. That event marked Oskar who idolized his father. One day Oskar finds a key that had the word Black on it and this event leads Oskar to believe that the key was one last search his father left for him (searching for clues to mysteries his father invented for him was Oskar's favorite hobby besides creating oxymorons) In the search that takes most of the movie the boy meets all the Blacks in New York  and is incidentally aided by an old man who later on Oskar figures out it is his grandfather. In the end Oskar finds the owner of the key and learns to his dismay the real secret behind it. The end shows us the true intention behind the words that make up the title of this movie .
The actors are all seasoned people with the exception of Thomas Horn obviously. Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, Viola Davis, John Goodman and the Max Von Sydow with his overwhelming yet touching performance were all cast for this movie. The photography is right for the general mood of the story. There are several flashbacks but they help the pacing of the tale and do not confuse as is the case in other productions. Since it is connected to the events of September 11 there are also several references to it and even images as that of the "falling man" that in the film it is suggested to be Oskar's father.
The movie is not necessarily the story of a soul search but more than that the depiction of what scars   can be left behind after a tragic event and how those who became indirect victims of that event cope with the consequences, sometimes successfully, sometimes unsuccessfully.
Four stars out of five for this one.


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