Is A Bachelor un Bachiller?

Is it? Yes, but not as we understand it. 
In Spanish when we use the word BACHILLER, that only means a person who has finished high school. 
BACHELOR in English does not mean necessarily the same. When you finish university or college they give you a degree: a B.A. (Bachelor in Arts) if you studied human sciences or a B.S. (Bachelor in Science) if you studied science - related subject. If you have any of those you are an UNDERGRADUATE. The term GRADUATE IS for those who have obtained higher degrees such as a Master's for example.         
A Bachelor is also a man in his prime, at the right time to get married (we call it a SOLTERO). The female version of such word is BACHELORETTE. 
If you want to see somewhat related movie, then see THe Graduate with Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft. It´s about a young man who is seduced by one of his friends  



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