God of War: Ascension

Kratos, the main character in the God of War series and the most iconic character created to be played in the Playstation consoles, is dead and still he keeps coming back and every time he does, he is better than ever.
Sure, the real god of war was Ares and in fact he appears in the first installment of the series as such. In this story Kratos is a Spartan warrior, the fiercest and most ruthless of them all. During a war against a superior enemy, Kratos summons Ares and asks for help against his enemy. As a response the god sends him a pair of blades that through magical chains gets forever attached to his arms and becomes his principal weapon and the means to most of his devastating attacks. The bloodthirsty warrior gets his revenge and thus, Kratos becomes a servant of the gods and does all their dirty work.
In order to make sure Kratos will forever be their puppet, Ares secretly engineers a scheme and sends his champion to destroy a village. Cruel and undefeatable, Kratos kills every villager and then burns the place down only to discover in horror that he has also murdered his wife and little daughter inadvertently. As punishment for his terrible action the gods make the ashes of his victims attach to his body permanenly forever giving a ghastly appearance (the reason why he is called Ghost of Sparta). From that moment on, Kratos only wishes to die but is denied that option by the gods until "their" next misssion is fulfilled. When Kratos sees that the gods will never let him go,he  rebels and begins a path of destruction that will only finish when the last of the gods is killed, including his own father that turns out to be Zeus himself.
The graphics are impressive, the music is of the best quality, the story is predictable but with so many things happening along the way that you never get bored (after all the Greek mythology is a cornucopia of characters, monsters and fantastic beings). Kratos has appeared in God of War 1 and 2 for PS2 and GoW3 for PS3 with GoW: Betrayal for cellphones, GoW: Gates of Olympus and GoW: Ghost of Sparta for  PSP. Kratos has also made guest appearances in Mortal Kombal 9 and SoulCaliber: Broken Souls.  Kratos kills himself at the end of GoW3 to let mankind be free to determine their own destiny without gods, but he is just such a popular character that they have created a new installment, a multiplayer game with Kratos fighting before the events of GoW1, called GoW: Ascension.
Kratos wrestles a giant cyclops called Polyphemus, the Furies, and a series of antropomorphical creatures that are great in both visual conception and detail. The images that I have seen show that the best is yet to come though chronologically speaking all this has already happened.
Video gamers can not be happier. There is more war to come.


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